
Collecting and Disconnecting Rainwater: Discover the Benefits

Regenwater opvangen en Afkoppelen Ontdek de Voordelen

We face the challenges of a changing climate. Prolonged droughts in summer and excessive precipitation in other seasons are increasingly common. But what happens with all that rainwater? It often disappears directly into the sewer. That's a shame, because did you know that more than 50% of the precious drinking water we use can be replaced by rainwater? Filtered rainwater is perfect for garden irrigation, toilet flushing, washing clothes and even car washing. By disconnecting your downspout from the sewer and collecting and reusing rainwater, you contribute to a better world.

Advantages of Downspout Disconnection

Disconnecting and reusing rainwater not only saves drinking water, but also relieves the burden on sewers and prevents flooding. In addition, using rainwater extends the lifespan of your washing machine, because it contains no limescale. Even if you do not reuse the rainwater but let it infiltrate into the ground, disconnecting your downspout has advantages. It promotes the groundwater level and helps withstand drought periods.

Rainwater Collection and Reuse

There are different ways to collect rainwater, depending on your needs and the application. Do you only want to water your garden? Or do you also want to use it for household tasks such as toilet flushing?

Rain barrel

A rain barrel is often sufficient if you only use the water for garden irrigation. You can use a rain barrel pump, such as the TIP DrainPress, to get the water to your plants. This pump has a higher delivery head than other rain barrel pumps, so you can even use a garden sprinkler. Another option is to transport the water via a garden hose.

Rainwater tank

A rainwater tank may be required for domestic use such as toilet flushing or washing machines. This can be placed above ground or underground. Use a rainwater pump to bring the water to the desired location. Rainwater pumps are available in both dry and wet installations.

Subsidies for Rainwater Disconnection

Some municipalities offer subsidies for disconnecting rainwater. Check with your municipality to see if you qualify for this.

Tiles out, green in

To allow rainwater to easily infiltrate into the ground, replace tiles with greenery. This not only improves infiltration, but also increases biodiversity.

Disconnecting a downspout: How do you do that?

Follow these steps to disconnect your downspout yourself:

  1. Cut the downspout at the desired location.
  2. Place a cover on the part of the downspout that goes into the ground.
  3. Sand any sharp edges.
  4. Direct the rainwater to a collection system such as a rain barrel or rainwater tank.
  5. Make sure everything is installed firmly and stably.

Why let precious rainwater flow into the sewer when it can be a valuable resource? Discover the benefits of disconnecting your drainpipe and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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